A listing of hyperlinks to appropriate tips and techniques ON OTHER WEBSITES. Each link will open is a different window, so you don't lose your place on the SVE Woodshop Website.
Want a free copy of Sketchup (formerly called Google Sketchup)? You could pay thousands and not have a program much better. Free is good! Check out this website.
Want to learn how to use Google Sketchup? You can buy a book, but you really don't need to. Check out this website.
If you are looking for ideas for a woodworking project to do, or if you are looking for instruction on woodworking techniques, the videos on The Wood Whisperer cannot be beat!
One of the very best videos on how to properly set up a bandsaw so it will cut without wandering. The Bandsaw Clinic with Alex Snodgrass.
An excellent videos on the physics of re-sawing on a bandsaw. This is an excellent primer on the principles. It has nothing on safety; just the how and why. Mattias Wandel explains the physics of re-sawing.
An excellent series of three short videos on a beautiful feature ring for segmented bowls and vases. The author, Ed Jones, is a woodturner here in the Phoenix area, and a member of the Arizona Woodturners Association. He talks slow, but he thinks deep, and you will enjoy his expertise. Part I. Part II. Part III.
As your skills progress in woodturning, and you master the art of cutting wood that is intermittent, the three-sided bowl is a nice challenge. The one illustrated is done in multiple woods, but a single cube of solid wood is an easier way to start. Turning a Three-Cornered Bowl.
Sanding is a necessary evil in woodworking and woodturning. Sanding produces wood dust that can be very damaging to internal organs, as many old woodworkers learn to their regret. Here is a way to sand that produces no wood dust, and has many other benefits as well. It is called "Sanding Woodturning Projects With a Lubricant". Check it out.